Welcome to the EEC Storeroom! Here, we provide selected high-quality outdoor gear, learning equipment, and supplies for EEC students, parents, professionals, and supporters.
Show your support for environmental education and conservation with the “Let Nature be your Classroom” Hoodie or the “Save Marine Life” T-Shirt. Nature enthusiasts or experienced environmentalists may opt for professional-grade equipment such as this cutting-edge Waterproof Camera from Olympus or specialized Scubapro Go Fins for deep sea exploration.
Explore and discover more custom apparel and specialized gadgets at www.instagram.com/storeroomsupplies

Welcome to the EEC Storeroom! Here, we provide selected high-quality outdoor gear, learning equipment, and supplies for EEC students, parents, professionals, and supporters.
Show your support for environmental education and conservation with the “Let Nature be your Classroom” Hoodie or the “Save Marine Life” T-Shirt. Nature enthusiasts or experienced environmentalists may opt for professional-grade equipment such as this cutting-edge Waterproof Camera from Olympus or specialized Scubapro Go Fins for deep sea exploration.
Explore and discover more custom apparel and specialized gadgets at www.instagram.com/storeroomsupplies